Ray Marching


A ShiftForward tech talk by João Costa / @JD557

Notes about this talk

  • Based on the work of Iñigo Quílez (iq/rgba)
  • Code examples in Scala (CPU)
  • Practical application should be implemented for GPUs


  • Quick Rendering Intro
  • A Simple Ray Tracer
  • Distance Fields
  • Distance Field Operations
  • Illumination

Quick Rendering Intro

  • Rasterization
  • Ray Tracing*
    • Ray Casting
    • Path Tracing
    • Ray Marching
    • ...

*Some ray tracing methods go by multiple names and some names apply to multiple methods. The following definitions might not be accurate.


Shader Pipeline

Ray Casting

  • Simplest form of ray tracing
  • Cast a ray for each pixel (or vertical scanline) of the image plane
  • Solve ray-surface intersection test
  • Wolfenstein 3d map Ray Casting Wolfenstein 3d screenshot

Path tracing

  • Solve the rendering equation via Monte-Carlo integration
  • Trace a rays with weighted random reflections/transmissions
  • Multiple iterations are required to avoid noisy images
Path tracing diagram Path tracing noise

Ray marching

  • Also known as sphere marching
  • Objects and scenes are represented as distance fields
  • Resulting image is calculated by marching through the distance field

A simple ray tracer

Object: collision function $f:R^3 \rightarrow Boolean$

eg.: $sphere(x, y, z) = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2 + z^2} \leq 1$

case class Vec3d(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double) { ... }
type Object3d = Vec3d => Boolean
val sphere: Object3d =
  (v: Vec3d) => sqrt(v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z) <= 1.0
  • Trace a ray from the eye to each pixel of the image plane
  • "March" through it in small $\vec \Delta$ of size $\epsilon$
  • If it hits someting, render a color
Simple Tracer

Note: this is not ray marching

def traceRay(x: Double, y: Double, obj: Object3d, eps: Double) = {
  val initVector = Vec3d(x, y, zNear)
  val delta = initVector.normalize
  def traceRayAux(pos: Vec3d): Color = obj(pos) match {
    case true =>
      Color(255, 255, 255)
    case false =>
      if (pos.z > zFar) Color(0, 0, 0)
      else traceRayAux(pos + delta*eps)

Colors and textures

Colors/3d textures can be easilly implemented:

type Object3d = Vec3d => Option[Color]

This will be ommited in this talk, as it adds unnecessary complexity to most examples.


  • Small $\epsilon$:
    • Slow to converge
  • Large $\epsilon$:
    • Small objects can be skipped
    • Objects will have "dents"

Distance fields

Object: signed distance function of a point to its surface $sdf:R^3 \rightarrow R$

eg.: $sphere(x, y, z) = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2 + z^2} - 1$

case class Vec3d(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double) { ... }
type DistanceField = Vec3d => Double
val sphere: DistanceField =
  (v: Vec3d) => sqrt(v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z) - 1.0
Distance field
  • $sdf(\vec p)$ is the distance to the closest object to $\vec p$
  • Therefore, $sdf(\vec p)$ is always a safe value for $\left | \vec\Delta \right |$
  • In practice, the $\left | \vec\Delta \right | = max(sdf(p), \epsilon)$
Sphere tracing

def traceRay(x: Double, y: Double, sdf: DistanceField, eps: Double) = {
  val initVector = Vec3d(x, y, zNear)
  val delta = initVector.normalize
  def traceRayAux(pos: Vec3d): Color = sdf(pos) match {
    case dist if dist <= 0 =>
      Color(255, 255, 255)
    case dist =>
      if (pos.z > zFar) Color(0, 0, 0)
      else traceRayAux(pos + delta*max(dist, eps))
Scene Iterations

$Color(r,g,b) = (iterations \times 5, 50, 50)$

Distance Field Operations

  • By manipulating distance fields, we can implement:
    • Boolean operations
    • Geometric transformations
    • Crazy stuff

Boolean Operations

Boolean operations

Boolean Operations


Union $$ obj_1 \cup obj_2 = min(sdf_1(\vec p), sdf_2(\vec p)) $$

Boolean Operations


Intersection $$ obj_1 \cap obj_2 = max(sdf_1(\vec p), sdf_2(\vec p)) $$

Boolean Operations


Difference $$ obj_1 - obj_2 = obj_1 \cap (\neg obj_2) = max(sdf_1(\vec p), -sdf_2(\vec p)) $$

Geometric Transformations

  • Translation
  • Rotation
  • Scale

Geometric Transformations


  • Moving objects is hard
  • Moving our ray is easy
  • Apply $T$ to objects $=$ Apply $T^{-1}$ to rays

Geometric Transformations


def translate(delta: Vec3d)(sdf: DistanceField): DistanceField =
  (v: Vec3d) => sdf(v - delta)

def rotateX(theta: Double)(sdf: DistanceField): DistanceField =
  (v: Vec3d) => sdf(v.rotX(-theta))

def rotateY(theta: Double)(sdf: DistanceField): DistanceField =
  (v: Vec3d) => sdf(v.rotY(-theta))

def rotateZ(theta: Double)(sdf: DistanceField): DistanceField =
  (v: Vec3d) => sdf(v.rotZ(-theta))

Geometric Transformations


  • The same trick applies to scaling
  • However, scaling a distance field will also scale our distances
  • Rescale the returned distance to know how much to march

Geometric Transformations


def scale(s: Double)(sdf: DistanceField): DistanceField =
  (v: Vec3d) => sdf(v / s) * s

Crazy stuff

  • We assumed that $sdf$ is continuous and exact
  • We can break the rules (slightly) to obtain cool effects:
    • Modulo operations: Infinite repetition
    • Rotations with variable $\theta$: Twist
    • Union with smooth min: Blend
Repeat Twist


A simple illumination model: $$ ambient + \sum_L shadow_L (diffuse_L + specular_L) $$

  • Global:
    • $ ambient = occlusion \times K_{ambient} $
  • For each light $L$:
    • $ shadow_L $
    • $ diffuse_L = L_{diffuse} \times K_{diffuse} \times max(\vec{N} \cdot \vec{L}, 0) $
    • $ specular_L = L_{specular} \times K_{specular} \times max(\vec{R} \cdot \vec{V}, 0)^\alpha $
  • How to calculate the normal vector
  • How to calculate the ambient occlusion
  • How to calculate shadowed areas


$\vec{N} = \nabla sdf = \left (\frac{\partial sdf}{\partial x}, \frac{\partial sdf}{\partial y}, \frac{\partial sdf}{\partial z} \right )$

def normal(p: Vec3d, scene: DistanceField, eps: Double): Vec3d = {
  val dx = scene(p + (eps, 0, 0)) - scene(p - (eps, 0, 0))
  val dy = scene(p + (0, eps, 0)) - scene(p - (0, eps, 0))
  val dz = scene(p + (0, 0, eps)) - scene(p - (0, 0, eps))
  new Vec3d(dx, dy, dz).normalized

Ambient Occlusion

  • Constant ambient light: naïve appoximation to global illumination
  • Intuition:
    • Open areas should be well lit
    • Small confined spaces should be dark
  • Idea:
    • If an object is on an open area: $sdf(\vec p + \vec N \times \epsilon) \approx \epsilon$
    • If an object is on an closed area: $sdf(\vec p + \vec N \times \epsilon) \approx 0$

Ambient Occlusion

  • Solution: for a point $\vec p$:
    • Probe $N$ (eg. 6) points $\vec{p'_i} = \vec p + (\vec N \times \epsilon \times i)$
    • Combine the real distance and the expected distance with a "magic formula", eg.: $$occlusion = 1 - \frac{\sum_i^N 2^{-i}(\epsilon \times i - sdf(p'_i))}{\sum_i^N 2^{-i} (\epsilon \times i)}$$

Ambient Occlusion

Ambient occlusion example

Ambient Occlusion

def ambientOcclusion(p: Vec3d, n: Vec3d, scene: DistanceField,
                     epsilon: Double, iter: Int) = {
  val bias = scene(p)
  def occlusionAux(i: Int, accum: Double, total: Double): Double =
    i match {
      case 0 => accum / total
      case i =>
        val expected = bias + (i * epsilon)
        val real = scene(p + n * (i * epsilon))
        val decay = pow(2, i)
          accum+(expected-real)/decay, total+expected/decay)
    1 - occlusionAux(iter, 0, 0)

Ambient Occlusion

Ambient light only Ambient Occlusion


  • Simple: Send shadow feelers using ray marching!
    • Trace a ray from the object towards the light
    • If it hits something, it's shadowed
    • If it reaches the light, it's not



  • Soft-shadows: combine the $N$ distances with a "magic formula"
  • Some properties about this formula
    • Small distances should lead to darker shadows (min function)
    • The heuristic should be disabled on the first few points:
      • Avoids artifacts (the ray will start close to the object)
      • We still need to consider collisions
    • Shadows should get smoother with the distance


def shadow(p: Vec3d, lPos: Vec3d, sdf: DistanceField, eps: Double, k: Int) = {
  val init = (lPos - p).normalized
  def shadowAux(delta: Vec3d, acc: Double): Double =
    if (delta.size > (lPos - p).size) acc
      if (sdf(p + delta) <= 0.0) 0.0
      else if (delta.size * k <= 1.0)
        shadowAux(delta + init * max(sdf(p + delta), eps), acc)
        shadowAux(delta + init * max(sdf(p + delta), eps),
                  min(acc, k * dist / delta.size))
  shadowAux(initVector * eps, 1.0)
K is a constant to define how smooth how shadows will be. The smaller the k, the smoother the shadows. 32 is a nice value.


Lights only Shadows

Final Result

Final result

The end

The end